The Book of Leviticus is not just a book about sacrifices and templeorship; it also explores Jewish perspectives on tragedy, forgiveness, and holiness. Our 10-session course will elevate the esoteric laws into the realm of accessible and practical — with a sprinkling of sanctity mixed in. Together, we will discover holiness in the mundane, and the depth and wisdom each one of us can absorb from this oft-overlooked book of the Torah. Register here.
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 - Challenges and Opportunities in Studying Vayikra
Lesson 2 - Korbanot: Drawing Near to God
Lesson 3 - The Joyous Fire of Acceptance and the Tragic Fireof Death
Lesson 4 - How can the Sacred Moment of Birth Involve “Tumah”?
Lesson 5 - Lots, Goats, And Azazel? Yom Kippur Biblical Style
Lesson 6 - Kedushah: Holiness For All
Lesson 7 - Counting up: Holiness in Time
Lesson 8 - Crime and Punishment: Holiness Threatened
Lesson 9 - Shabbat for the Land, for God and … Holiness for You!
Lesson 10 - Blessings and Curses: A Call to Follow God’s Ways