Carolyn Bass

Carolyn, born in Montreal Canada, moved first to Tampa Florida over 40 years ago with her husband and children and then to South Florida. She has a BA from McGill University and an MLS from the University of South Florida.

Carolyn began her career as a caseworker for HIAS Canada, resettling Jewish immigrants. In Florida, she was an information broker and database researcher for public utilities and national executive search firms in the early years of online search.

Ultimately, Carolyn spent 25 years with the Florida Holocaust Museum as a Board member, docent and director of tours, teaching trunks and operations. She was its executive director until her retirement.

Carolyn’s board experience includes Congregation Kol Ami, Florida Holocaust Museum, Pinellas Arts Alliance and Hillels of the Suncoast.

Her hobbies include reading, studying, yoga and walking.

Her 9 grandchildren are the lights of her life.