Leadership is a constant theme in the Torah. This course examines the different types of leaders found in the book of BeMidbar, including the famous pair of leaders: Moses and Aaron. Learners will see that while a good leader is a true blessing, having too many leaders results in infighting and dissent. BeMidbar is full of lessons on challenging authority for better and for worse — lessons just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. Let’s sift through the sands of time to examine the concepts of “leader,” “hero,” “rebel” and “community” with fresh eyes. Register today.
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 - Come with Us
Lesson 2 - Murmuring and Complaints
Lesson 3 - Humility in the Face of Criticism
Lesson 4 - Send in the Spies
Lesson 5 - Rebellion in the Wilderness
Lesson 6 - Thirst for Water: Déjà-vu or Something New?
Lesson 7 - Bil’am Sets Out
Lesson 8 - Sinners and Zealots
Lesson 9 - A Fathers Name - His Daughters’ Legacy
Lesson 10 - East Side Story: Pioneers or Opportunists?