Olives, wine and cheese

Olive, Vine and Palette, Israel

Dates: TBA
Prices are listed in US dollars.

We will encounter the arts and amazing foods as we explore sites off the beaten path – whether along the seaside or in mountain regions. Discover the unparalleled scene that puts Tel Aviv on the map as one of the most dynamic cities in the world, engage with works by local artists from diverse backgrounds, and welcome Shabbat in Jerusalem with a unique challah-baking experience, as we savor foods from around the Jewish world. From farms and foraging to architecture, design, and social entrepreneurship, you will discover an Israel you've never experienced before.
For the itinerary and other details, please see the tabs below. On a mobile device, use the menu icon (☰) to open other tabs.
Please read Melton's comprehensive health policy HERE.
  • Melton travel is open to adults of all ages.

    We are so pleased that you are interested in travelling with Melton! As you may know, Melton provides the educational content for its tours, but is not a travel agency. VIA SABRA is the travel logistics provider for this tour and is responsible for the collection of all deposits and other fees. Because Melton does not collect any travel deposits or fees, it is not responsible for any financial loss associated with a cancellation of this tour for reasons beyond Melton’s control, including COVID.

    We encourage you to read Via Sabra’s Terms and Conditions thoroughly, advising that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers both “cancellation for any reason” and for “COVID-related” reasons. Even where your destination does not presently restrict travel due to COVID, we still recommend you purchase a policy with such coverage.

    Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to travelling and learning with you,
    The Melton Travel Team

    If you would like to be notified when registration opens, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Tour Includes

    • Accommodations: 10 nights, 11 days
    • Meals: As listed in the intinerary
    • Educational Programming: All entrance fees and programs as per the Melton itinerary.


    Note: We will do our best to assist you with extensions both before and after the seminar.

    Tour Does Not Include:

    • Airfare 
    • Personal Transfers from / to the airport.
    • Personal Expenses: All personal expenses such as: laundry, valet service, cables, telephone calls and postage are not included.
    • Flights – Via Sabra will be pleased to assist you in any and all flight arrangements, including personal transfers from and to the airport - contact them to arrange at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • COVID-19 health insurance coverage (required)
    • COVID-19 testing (when required)
    • Travel Insurance (strongly recommended; see "Insurance, Health & Safety" information on this page)
  • DAY ONE (Monday)

    Gather together at meeting place (TBD) - Start your journey by travelling north

    Rooting - At the Bird Mosaic in Caesarea Begin your seminar with a Seven Species "seder" - Place yourselves in the elements that are native to the land. Through tasting, learning and experiencing the Seven Species with the mosaic as a backdrop, consider the role of the natural landscape on influencing the cultural complexities of the country today. The mosaic was originally part of a large 6th century mansion. In 1955, archaeologists excavated this hilltop 500 meters outside of the Byzantine city walls of Caesarea.

    Toast the trip at Kishor Winery - Kishor Winery is located in Kishorit, a village for adults with special needs. The members of the community enjoy a full life, including meaningful employment. In conjunction with the professional staff, the members take an active part in the grape cultivation, bottling, and marketing of the wines. The Visitors’ Center also employs Kishorit members who host guests, interact with members of the general community, and give guided tours.

    Check into the hotel

    Dinner at the beautiful home of Chef Gadi Elias

    Overnight: Bayit Bagalil Boutique Hotel

    DAY TWO (Tuesday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Drive to Akko - Akko is an ancient port city built and influenced by the Crusaders, Arabs, Ottoman Turks and the British. The Acre Crusader City was built during the 12th century and destroyed in 1291 when the Mamluks conquered Acre and built their own city on the Crusader ruins.

    Start with the city's Tunisian Synagogue - The Ohr Torah Tunisian synagogue in Akko is unique even in a land of synagogues. Built by a community of Tunisian Jews from Djerba, it offers four stories of glorious mosaics and stained-glass windows both inside and out, showing a varied range of stories, flora, and fauna.

    Tour Akko - Walk through 4,000 years of history in this ancient city and UNESCO World Heritage site. The Old City of Akko, or Acre, has been lived in continuously for 4 millennia.

    Tour the market with the women of Beit Elfarasha - At Beit Elfarasha meet the true gems of the city, the local women. This program empowers women of Akko through cooking workshops, and gives visitors an intimate take on the Old City of Akko.

    Continue with a cooking workshop and lunch at Beit Elfarasha

    Stop at the Open Museum at Tefen - The Open Museum is located in the Tefen Industrial Park, at the heart of the Western Galilee. The park was founded in 1985 by the industrialist Stef Wertheimer. Its success led to the foundation of four additional parks: at Tel-Hai in the Galilee panhandle; at Omer in the Negev; at Lavon in the vicinity of Tefen; and at Dalton in the Galilee. Together, the museums represent Wertheimer's approach – which supports creative endeavors in industry and in culture, art and education.

    Buza Ice Cream - Buza, the Arabic word for ice cream, is owned and operated by Alaa Sweetat, a local Muslim, and Adam Ziv, a Jew from Kibbutz Sasa. A delicious Co-Existence venture. Taste their unique flavors.

    Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight: Bayit Bagalil Boutique Hotel

    DAY THREE (Wednesday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Agamon HaHula on Bikes & Golfcarts - The Hula valley sits in part of the northern Syrian African Rift Valley which stretches as far south as Mozambique in Africa. During every migration season over 500 million birds travel through the Hula Lake. This wetland paradise is the perfect stopover for small waterfowl, cormorants, heron, pelicans, raptors, storks, and cranes. Early morning ride through the park.

    Foraging and learning about Sustainable Eating with Uri Mayer-Chissick - Get to know local, wild food from nature– and dishes prepared today from food that has been grown here throughout history, with Dr. Uri Mayer-Chissick, an expert on the history of local food and nutrition in the Middle-East. Uri is the author of the Israeli guide to foraging for wild edible plants. Hike and cook outdoors.

    On the way to Jerusalem, stop at the Mosaic Museum at the Inn of The Good Samaritan National Park. The museum showcases a large and fascinating collection of ancient mosaics unparalleled in Israel. The spectacular mosaics, dating from the Byzantine period (fourth–seventh centuries) were collected from churches and Jewish and Samaritan synagogues throughout Judea and Samaria and from a synagogue in Gaza. The mosaics illustrate the cultural, artistic and religious expressions of Jews, Samaritans and Christians who lived side by side in the Land of Israel during the period of the Mishnah and the Talmud.

    Drive to Jerusalem and check into the hotel

    Dinner on your own 

    Overnight: Mamilla Hotel

    DAY FOUR (Thursday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    To see Jerusalem in depth and close up, tour Jerusalem's Old City with photographer and guide Simon Beni - The tour combines visits to historical sites with a workshop in photography. Walk down the alleys and explore hidden corners while learning to create good compositions with the ambient light.

    Continue to the Museum on the Seam - The Museum on the Seam is a socio-political contemporary art museum, located on the geographic seam line between East and West Jerusalem, at the meeting point of the three religions. In its unique way, the museum presents art as a language with no boundaries in order to raise diverse social issues for public discussion and to bridge gaps.

    Meet the Jerusalem Food Rescuers - Metzilot Mazon, the Jerusalem Food Rescuers, aims to create a more just and sustainable urban food system with less waste. Working with the wholesale market, they divert surplus produce that would have otherwise gone to waste and support communities that don’t have equitable access to food, engage in food literacy focused activities such as lectures and workshops with kids and adults, and run a sustainable catering business.

    Short tour of Mahane Yehuda Market - In the heart of Jerusalem, a bustling multi-ethnic market bursting with life, art, and flavor, a tour through Mahane Yehuda market is an adventure for your senses. Enjoy the hustle and bustle with all the rich fragrances, colors, and sounds this iconic Jerusalem market offers. After dinner you'll have more time to experience the Thursday nightlife at the 'shuk'.

    Dinner at Cafe Shalva - Shalva is a Jerusalem-based organization that provides services to children with special needs and their families. The café’s profits go back to the center and graduates of Shalva work at the café.

    Optional evening Bakery Tour of the 'Shtisel' Neighborhoods - On a busy Thursday night, when people are preparing for Shabbat, have a taste of the Ultra-Orthodox world and walk the streets of the Ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods.

    Overnight: Mamilla Hotel

    DAY FIVE (Friday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Explore the Jerusalem Hills at the beautiful Sataf forest for an easy hike – Sataf is on the site of ancient agricultural terraces that date to the time of the ancient Israelites. If it’s warm enough, there’s even an option to take a dip in some of the natural springs. Along the way - forage for edible plants.

    Stop in Abu Ghosh at Al Yasmeen Halva and Tahini heaven to taste some of Israel’s best!

    Visit Ein Kerem with time for lunch on your own - Tucked into the hills of Jerusalem is the biblical Ein Kerem, whose name means "the spring in the vineyard." Step into another world while you visit this quaint spot, now a neighborhood of Jerusalem.

    Free time and prepare for Shabbat - Lunch on your own

    Lekha Dodi Likrat Kallah - Welcoming remarks towards our Melton Shabbat Celebration

    Candle-lighting and Evening Services

    Traditional Shabbat dinner - Se'udat Shabbat with participants of the “Exploring Israel” seminar

    Overnight: Mamilla Hotel

    DAY SIX (Saturday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Morning Services at Synagogue(s) of choice

    A Look at the Weekly Torah Portion - Closing the Book of Leviticus

    In a private setting, indulge in a Jewish Shabbat Brunch - Enjoy the variety of classic ethnic foods that are part of the Shabbat day meal. These dishes are brought directly from the homes in which the food was cooked by families that share their heritage and flavors.

    Optional Walking Tours – The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai  OR  Along King David Street: Three Buildings, Three Faiths, Three Agendas

    Se'udah Shlisheet - late afternoon snack and schmooze


    Dinner and evening on your own

    Overnight: Mamilla Hotel

    DAY SEVEN (Sunday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Kaima Organic Farm - Through volunteering, understand some of the challenges Israel faces and take a small role in addressing these challenges. At Kaima Farm pick vegetables and help prepare lunch using the farm’s produce, to serve to the youth who are changing their lives through their work at the farm.

    The Lives and Recipes of Beit Shemesh-Mate Yehuda Women - Eat lunch in the home of one of the women who is part of the area’s Women’s Empowerment program designed to harness the strength of women’s skills, backgrounds, and interests to help them achieve their dreams. These women have entered the world of business entrepreneurship through sharing and cooking their ethnic meals.

    Wine-tasting at Tzora Vineyards - Visit Tzora Vineyards, a small boutique winery located on Kibbutz Tzora near Beit Shemesh. The winemaker, Eran Pick, holds the title “Master of Wine.” He is an experienced agronomist and vintner, and is involved in the entire process, from growing and tending the vines to the harvesting and winemaking, to produce fine wines.

    Drive to Tel Aviv and check into your hotel

    Assif: Culinary Institute of Israel - Assif is a cultural center in Tel Aviv with a library, farm, gallery & café, that encourages open discourse around local foodways and identity. Tour the center, meet with one of the founders, food critic Ronit Vered, and eat dinner.

    Overnight: Carlton Hotel

    DAY EIGHT (Monday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Tel Aviv Museum of Art with Shirel Horowitz - In this dynamic tour we'll figure out what makes Israeli art into what it is, and what’s its relationship with the Zionist narrative as well as the international art world. This tour through the extensive Israeli collection at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art is an amazing way to visually explore the Israeli narrative from the early 20th century until today. What is the story the Arts Establishment is telling through Israeli Art?

    Hatikva Market tasting tour lunch - Hatikvah Market is a lesser-known gem. Since the market's renovation it has become a joyful, colorful place. Many say this is Tel Aviv's best market for variety, price, people-watching, and authenticity. The Hatikva Market was built in the mid-1930s as a response to the Arab Revolt, when residents of the village of Salama stopped coming to the neighborhoods to sell their goods. What began with a few produce stalls put up by local residents of Iraqi, Yemenite, Syrian and Iranian background grew into a sprawling market spread out along the triangle of Ha’Etzel, Hahagana and Hatikva Streets.

    Bauhaus tour - Tel Aviv has more Bauhaus buildings that any other city in the world, so many that it is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The buildings were designed by Bauhaus architects who immigrated to Israel from Europe in the 1930s and were influenced by the work of Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius. Some 4,000 such buildings were built in the 1930s – a development which turned the city center into a quasi "open air Bauhaus museum" and earned Tel Aviv the nickname, “the White City.”

    Dinner on your own - Reservations will be made at several restaurants for you to choose from.

    Overnight: Carlton Hotel

    DAY NINE (Tuesday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    YouMake ReMake with Renana Raz – Meet Renana Raz, a leading voice in the young generation of Israeli choreographers pursuing various artistic genres. Renana’s ongoing project and brainchild is YouMake ReMake, which challenges us to think about how we view the world. Renana emphasizes how her experience living in Israel has informed and guided her creativity throughout her career.

    Meet the amazing people of KitePride - KitePride creates functional bags from used high quality upcycled fabrics in order to provide jobs to women and men exiting human trafficking and prostitution. In addition to learning about KitePride’s amazing work, design your own one-of-a-kind bag and be part of the SOCIAL + ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.

    Visit Kuchinate together with Julie Fisher - Your visit to Kuchinate African Refugee Women’s Cooperative will include a coffee ceremony and tour of this incredible social start-up. Meet founders Diddy Mymin Kahn and Sister Aziza, who have turned the lives of refugee women around by empowering them to find their voices and regain their dignity after very difficult life circumstances.

    Free time

    Option: Nahalat Binyamin Arts and Crafts Market - Visit Nahalat Binyamin, an open-air market in the heart of Tel-Aviv that has become synonymous with quality Israeli crafts and folk art. The market is comprised of over 100 stands representing specialty crafts and folk art in virtually every medium imaginable: wood, stone, sand, glass, ceramics, various metals with most if not all containing materials or themes found only in Israel.

    Dinner at Gueta - On Jaffa's Jerusalem Boulevard, across from the Gesher Theater, Gueta restaurant keeps to its traditional Tripolitanian style of cooking, using old recipes that have been passed through generations.

    Overnight: Carlton Hotel

    DAY TEN (Wednesday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Untold Jaffa Tour of the Ajami Neighborhood, with Avihai Tsabari - Tour Ajami, a predominantly Arab neighborhood in Jaffa, and you’ll hear a challenging narrative about the city and its history. Continue your tour through Jaffa, enjoying the beauty of the winding streets and the beautiful port with its biblical reference.

    The Evolution of Israeli Street Food with Amit Aharonson - Explore the seven species of Israeli street food, “hopping” between street food restaurants.

    Visit the Design Museum Holon - Design Museum Holon is the first museum in Israel dedicated to Design. The building of the museum was planned and designed by Israeli architect and industrial designer Ron Arad, in cooperation with Bruno Asa.

    Tour and Tasting at the Milk and Honey Distillery - Visit Israel's first Whiskey Distillery and enjoy this unique "Start-Up".

    Dinner on your own

    Overnight: Carlton Hotel

    DAY ELEVEN (Thursday)

    Breakfast at the hotel

    Graffiti Tour - Explore Florentin through an urban graffiti tour. Who are the people going out at night and changing the face of the neighborhood? What kind of story do these images and words tell us about the people living there? What is unique about graffiti in Israel and in Tel Aviv? We will walk through Florentin, the neighborhood of Tel Aviv best-known for graffiti art, to answer these questions and many more in a dynamic and inquisitive tour.

    Levinsky Market tasting tour - The Levinsky Market specializes in spices and Mediterranean delicacies. It is, in many ways, the best market in Tel Aviv, for its variety, freshness and special atmosphere. Whether you are looking for a rare Indian spice or some good quality saffron - this is the place. Shops offer a cornucopia of excellent cheeses, smoked fish, wines and other delicacies. Tour the market and have "tastings" throughout.

    Creative Workshop with Kol HaOt - Now is your opportunity to reflect on the time you’ve spent in Israel and to share the experiences, sites, and people you’ll want to remember most after you’ve returned home. With the "Kol HaOt" team, we will explore the personal meaning of Israel, using colors and symbols to give ourselves and our fellow participants a visual picture of what this journey has meant to us.

    Trip Reflections

    Final Dinner with “Exploring Israel” seminar group

    NOTE: Please try to arrange flights from 11:45 p.m. on, and enjoy the festive group dinner. Transportation will be provided to Ben Gurion airport for all those flying on Thursday night after 11 p.m.

    Note: Itinerary subject to change. Museum visits and personal shopping time may be disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances or the many religious, state and local holidays observed in the destinations being visited.

  • Need to Know

    • Melton has offered quality educational travel opportunities for over 25 years, but it is not a travel agency and does not handle any payments made towards the seminar. We have contracted this seminar to Via Sabra  and it is essential that you read their Terms and Conditions prior to your actual registration.
    •  Melton is not responsible for cancellation of this program for reasons beyond its control and your travel insurance should cover both "cancellation for any reason" and "COVID-related cancellation". This latter policy is being offered by a number of insurance companies (see Insurance, Health & Safety, on this page). 


    Please refer to the Cancellation policy that appears in the Terms and Conditions of the Registration process with Via Sabra.

    The Via Sabra Cancellation policy states, in part:

    Cancellation by Via Sabra/Israel4All

    You hereby acknowledge that a booked tour may be cancelled, amended, or delayed due to circumstances which are not under our control (including force majeure events which prevent us from operating the tour). In such cases, we will make our best efforts to inform you in advance of such changes and make every attempt to minimize the impact of such cancellations, changes or delays on the costs, schedule, and your general services experience.

    Any cancellation by Via Sabra/Israel4All will be subject to the cancellation terms set forth below:

    1. Via Sabra/Israel4All reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any group trip for any reason. Except in the case of extreme circumstances detailed below, we will offer alternative arrangements.
    2. Via Sabra/Israel4All shall not be responsible for any of the additional costs for air tickets or other travel arrangements not made by us.
    3. Via Sabra/Israel4All operates a number of group trips that are based on a minimum number of participants. Should the minimum threshold not be reached and the trip cancelled, participants will be notified 45 days prior to the trip’s start date.
    4. In the event of cancellation by Via Sabra/Israel4All, all efforts will be made to issue refunds, minus a $200 processing fee. Alternatively, the full amount can be used for a future trip/seminar.

    Cancellation by You

    You may cancel your trip with Via Sabra/Israel4All at any time, subject to the cancellation terms set out below:

    1. Initial bookings made on the website can be cancelled within 48 hours, with a full refund.
    2. All cancellations must be made in writing.
    3. For cancellations made:
    • Up to 45 days prior to departure, any payments above the deposit towards the trip will be refunded. The deposit is non-refundable.
    • 45-30 days prior to departure, 50% of the total tour cost per person will be refunded.
    • 29-8 days prior to departure, 25% of the total tour cost per person will be refunded.
    • 7-0 days prior to departure, the client will incur 100% of the cost of the tour.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to cancellations made as a result of force majeure circumstances, or due to Israel-imposed governmental or air flight restrictions, including those related to COVID-19, either funds on deposit can be applied to a future trip or you can receive a refund, less $200 per person which is a non-refundable processing fee.

    All cancellation requests must be made in writing.

    Please note that all reimbursements on payments made by credit card will carry a 3% processing fee. 


     Additional Information

    •  Group rates are per person based on double occupancy and a minimum of 15 fully paying participants per bus. Should the number of participants drop below the minimum listed above, we will adjust the cost of the trip to reflect the additional expense of operating the program.
    •  Tour prices are per person in U.S. dollars. All hotel accommodations, motor coach transportation, special dinners, sightseeing, admissions, luggage handling and the services of local guides, drivers, and the tour guide/educator are included.
    •  Hotel Accommodations: The tour price includes all hotel accommodations, in hotel rooms with private baths. Our standard is to provide the best available hotels while considering value. Although the level of the accommodations may differ slightly from hotel to hotel, we are committed to your comfort. Two-bed rooms are reserved in most hotels. Triples are two-bed rooms with a rollaway cot where available and are not recommended when considering the comfort of those in the room. King-size beds are not available in most hotels; what is considered king-size usually consists of two single beds pushed together and made up separately, but with one headboard. Some two-bed rooms may have two twin - not full- or queen-size - beds.
    •  Meals are included as specified in the itinerary. In travel beyond Israel, not all communal meals are kosher certified, but fish- and vegetarian options will always be available and kashrut and other dietary requirements of group members will be taken into account. Participants can order additional kosher meals at prices set by our local agents.
    •  All seminars are led by a Melton educator  who remains with the group throughout the tour.
    •  Gratuities: All gratuities for the educators, guides, drivers, and restaurant staff are included.
    •  Baggage: The Travel Agent and/or Tour Operator shall not be held responsible for any damage to, or loss of, luggage/personal items. All damage/loss must be reported at time of the incident and documented in writing by local authorities for submission to the insurance company. With regard to airline baggage allowance, different carriers have different regulations for business and coach. Please check with your individual carrier with regard to permitted number of pieces, weights and dimensions. The tour operator is not responsible for fees levied by any air carrier for the transport of personal belongings of any kind.
    • Airline Security Measures: In the U.S., you must provide identification in the form of a passport at the time of airport check-in for travel to international destinations. Your passport name must match the name on your tour reservation and airline ticket, or you may be denied boarding.
    • If you are traveling from an airport outside the jurisdiction of the U.S, you will need to determine what travel documentation and identification is required for that airport.
    • Due to heightened security regulations, certain items such as a metal nail file, pocketknife, cigarette lighter or tweezers, and some liquid, gel, or aerosol items may not be permitted in your carry-on luggage. Please call your airline prior to departure to obtain current information on non-permissible carry-on items and recommended airport check-in times. You may also wish to visit the Transportation Security Administration website to obtain more information on acceptable identity documentation and prohibited luggage items.
    • Holidays and Museum Closures- Museum visits and personal shopping time may be disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances or religious, state and local holidays observed in the destinations being visited.
    •  Photography During Tours: We will occasionally use photographs taken by fellow guests or your trip director for promotional purposes. If you prefer that your photo not be used in any marketing activities, please notify us at the start of your tour.


    Not Included

    • Flights, personal and health insurance.
    • Transfers from / to the airport unless as part of an organized group travelling together.
    • Personal Expenses, including meals not mentioned above or drinks during meals, unless specified above; or room service.
  • Please note that Via Sabra will obey all protocols/restrictions in place regarding COVID.

    We strongly recommend that you purchase travel insurance. Melton is not responsible for cancellation of this program for reasons beyond its control. Your comprehensive travel insurance should cover both "cancellation for any reason" and "COVID-related cancellation". This latter policy is being offered by a number of insurance companies. We refer you to a list published by Forbes magazine, showing those companies that offer this new policy.

    Please note that such policies may require registration for the policy within 14-21 days of your registration for the seminar.

    Via Sabra recommends Travel Insured.

    Please consult with your insurance provider regarding land, air and health insurance options or contact Travel Insured.

    Please Note: To be eligible for the waiver of pre-existing medical condition exclusion, the protection plan must be purchased within 21 days from the time you make your initial trip deposit, the entire non-refundable amount of the trip must be insured, and you must be medically able to travel at the time the premium is paid. However, the travel protection plan itself can be purchased any time prior to departure.

    Additional Information

    • Airline Security Measures: Your name must match the name on your tour reservation and airline ticket, or you may be denied boarding. It must also be exactly as it appears on your passport. Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after the date of your return home.
    • If you are traveling from an airport outside the jurisdiction of the U.S., you will need to determine what travel documentation and identification is required for that particular airport.
    • Due to heightened security regulations, certain items such as a metal nail file, pocketknife, cigarette lighter or tweezers, and some liquid, gel, or aerosol items may not be permitted in your carry-on luggage. Please call your airline prior to departure to obtain current information on non-permissible carry-on items and recommended airport check-in times. You may also wish to visit the U.S. Transportation Security Administration website at tsa.gov to obtain more information on acceptable identity documentation and prohibited luggage items.
  • For more information, please write to us here.

    T: 1–646–921–0747, Ext. 4