Melton Moments: Passover

Traditional seder plate

With Passover upon us, we have much to celebrate this time around. As we gather our families around the seder table this year (in person and online), the story of exodus resonates as deeply as ever-- ...

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On the one-year anniversary of COVID — trends in adult Jewish education

Matthew T Rader / Unsplash Matthew T Rader / Unsplash

Organizations of all sizes have seen an increase in the number of adult learners in their online programs during this year. Adults recognize that Jewish learning can offer them spiritual nourishment, ...

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The law of return and the Jewish covenant of fate

Israel-Supreme-Court-500px The Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem.

It seems to me that the timing of the Israeli High Court decision to recognize Reform and Conservative conversations done in Israel as meeting the requirements[i] of the Law of Return could not have b...

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Mixing Dough and Heritage in the Name of Hamantaschen


How a Sephardic baker made her Ashkenazi family's recipe famous The Purim holiday commemorates the Jewish people's triumph over Haman, an official in 4th-century BCE Persian Empire who attempted their...

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Melton School of the Year goes to…

Deborah-Slosberg--award-500 Louisville Director Deborah Slosberg received the 2021 Florence Melton Award on behalf of her school at the virtual International Directors Conference on Jan. 26.

… The Louisville Melton School at Adath Jeshurun and their director Deborah Slosberg! Deborah received the annual Florence Melton Award, given for excellence in building a strong learning community, a...

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Silver Linings in a Challenging Year


As leaders of an international organization, we try to view every challenge we face with perspective and a bias towards action. This year, while difficult for many reasons, has pushed us to connect wi...

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Melton mourns loss of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

sacks Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom Jonathan Sacks at a National Poverty Hearing in 2006 at Westminster, London.

(JNS) Jewish groups expressed their condolences over the passing of former U.K. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, who died early Saturday morning at the age of 72 after recently being diagnosed with ca...

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Melton Funders Council Launched to Support the Organization's Strategic Growth


In the summer of 2020, the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning established the Melton Funders Council, a philanthropic vanguard of donors committed to supporting Melton as the organization...

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Melton Leads the Way with Creating Online Jewish Space for Deep Learning and Community Engagement


 During the early stages of COVID-19 and the initial advent of community closures, Jewish life was upended – challenging the traditions tied to ritual gatherings and the value of bringing people ...

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New Partners Expand the Melton Network


We're excited to welcome these new community partners to the network of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning for the 2020-2021 school year:Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, ILColumbus Jewi...

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Melton Travel Reimagined to Uplift Us While We Shelter at Home

Photo: Stephen Epstein

When the world shut down, Melton grew wings. From Flights of the Imagination to Live From Israel… Melton travel hasn't skipped a beat. After the shock of lockdown subsided, our small but powerful team...

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We feel refreshed. Guess why.


The Passover holiday is almost upon us – a time when the Jewish people celebrates rebirth and renewal. This year, Melton is feeling particularly refreshed because we've refreshed our brand identity. W...

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Melton Responds to COVID-19 with a series of new online learning opportunities


Our tradition (Talmud Yoma 35) tells a wonderful story about Hillel's experiences as a young learner. In his time, there was a daily entrance fee to learn Torah in the house of study. One frosty winte...

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The Cairo Genizah is Having a Moment - Melton’s New Course Explores this Fascinating Treasure


In recent years, the Cairo Genizah has captured the attention of a public eager to learn about the once-hidden medieval world of Middle Eastern and North African Jewry. From Mark Glickman's history, S...

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Park Avenue Synagogue Awarded Prestigious Florence Melton Award

award recipients Rabbi Morey Schwartz, Rabbi Rachel Bovitz, Rabbi Neil Zuckerman and Mara Bernstein.

Amidst Melton Directors from around the world gathered for the organization's annual conference held this January in New York City, the Park Avenue Synagogue Melton School was awarded the prestigious ...

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